From the beginning of November 2021, thanks to the joint commitment of all employees, we were able to launch a new project - the serial production of car seats for the new Kia Sportage model NQ5e.
As part of our long-term cooperation with the local community, we decided to organize an autumn collection of hygiene and cleaning supplies for the Diocesan Charity Žilina.
More than five years ago, on 12 November 2015, the first set of car seats was manufactured, and we have already reached a milestone - 1,000,000 sets of car seats have left our gates.
The traditional collection of school supplies for children from foster homes and foster families was again successful.
In June, the two groups went to contribute a little to two partner organizations.
The rapid onset of the pandemic caused unwanted panic, but at the same time triggered a dramatic rise in the price of protective equipment and its acute shortage.
Vďaka úsiliu a zanieteniu našich zamestnancov sme 23. marca 2018 o 8:14 hod. vyrobili jubilejný 500 000. set sedačiek pre model Kia Sportage.
V rámci spoločensky zodpovedného podnikania sme opäť zorganizovali zbierku materiálnych potrieb a šatstva pre charitu.
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